
Permutation vectors

In order to represent arbitrary permutations, Elemental recently switched from LAPACK-style pivot sequence representations to general permutation vectors, where entry i of the permutation vector p contains the column index of the nonzero entry in row i of the corresponding permutation matrix.


void PermuteCols(Matrix<T> &A, const Matrix<int> &perm)
void PermuteCols(DistMatrix<T, U, V> &A, const DistMatrix<int, UPerm, STAR> &perm)
void PermuteCols(Matrix<T> &A, const Matrix<int> &perm, const Matrix<int> &invPerm)
void PermuteCols(DistMatrix<T, U, V> &A, const DistMatrix<int, UPerm, STAR> &perm, const DistMatrix<int, UPerm, STAR> &invPerm)

Provide the inverse permutations so that they do not need to be internally computed and discarded.


void PermuteRows(Matrix<T> &A, const Matrix<int> &perm)
void PermuteRows(DistMatrix<T, U, V> &A, const DistMatrix<int, UPerm, STAR> &perm)
void PermuteRows(Matrix<T> &A, const Matrix<int> &perm, const Matrix<int> &invPerm)
void PermuteRows(DistMatrix<T, U, V> &A, const DistMatrix<int, UPerm, STAR> &perm, const DistMatrix<int, UPerm, STAR> &invPerm)

Provide the inverse permutations so that they do not need to be internally computed and discarded.


void InversePermuteCols(Matrix<T> &A, const Matrix<int> &perm)
void InversePermuteCols(DistMatrix<T, U, V> &A, const DistMatrix<int, UPerm, STAR> &perm)


void InversePermuteRows(Matrix<T> &A, const Matrix<int> &perm)
void InversePermuteRows(DistMatrix<T, U, V> &A, const DistMatrix<int, UPerm, STAR> &perm)


void InvertPermutation(const Matrix<int> &perm, Matrix<int> &invPerm)
void InvertPermutation(const DistMatrix<int, UPerm, STAR> &perm, DistMatrix<int, UPerm, STAR> &invPerm)

Compute the inverse permutation matrix in compressed (vector) form.


void ExplicitPermutation(const Matrix<int> &perm, Matrix<int> &P)
void ExplicitPermutation(const DistMatrix<int, UPerm, STAR> &perm, DistMatrix<int, U, V> &P)

Return the full permutation matrix, P, represented by the permutation vector perm.


bool PermutationParity(const Matrix<int> &perm)
bool PermutationParity(const DistMatrix<int, UPerm, STAR> &perm)

Return true if the given permutation is odd. The parity is determined in linear time by finding the decomposition of the inverse of the permutation as a product of transpositions.


type PermutationMeta
int align
mpi::Comm comm
std::vector<int> sendCounts
std::vector<int> sendDispls
std::vector<int> sendIdx
std::vector<int> sendRanks
std::vector<int> recvCounts
std::vector<int> recvDispls
std::vector<int> recvIdx
std::vector<int> recvRanks
int TotalSend() const
int TotalRecv() const
void ScaleUp(int length)
void ScaleDown(int length)
PermutationMeta(const DistMatrix<int, U, STAR> &perm, const DistMatrix<int, U, STAR> &invPerm)

Pivot sequences

These routines make use of LAPACK-style pivot sequence vectors, where the pivot sequence vector p implies the sequence of swaps \((0,p_0)\), \((1,p_1)\), …, \((n-1,p_{n-1})\). Elemental used to follow this convention when returning permutations from factorizations, but clearly this representation is somewhat restrictive, as routines which perform multiple swaps for each pivot (e.g., some variants of Bunch-Kaufman) cannot be handled.


void ApplyColPivots(Matrix<T> &A, const Matrix<int> &pivots)
void ApplyColPivots(DistMatrix<T, U1, V1> &A, const DistMatrix<int, U2, V2> &pivots)


void ApplyInverseColPivots(Matrix<T> &A, const Matrix<int> &pivots)
void ApplyInverseColPivots(DistMatrix<T, U1, V1> &A, const DistMatrix<int, U2, V2> &pivots)


void ApplyRowPivots(Matrix<T> &A, const Matrix<int> &pivots)
void ApplyRowPivots(DistMatrix<T, U1, V1> &A, const DistMatrix<int, U2, V2> &pivots)


void ApplyInverseRowPivots(Matrix<T> &A, const Matrix<int> &pivots)
void ApplyInverseRowPivots(DistMatrix<T, U1, V1> &A, const DistMatrix<int, U2, V2> &pivots)


void ApplySymmetricPivots(UpperOrLower uplo, Matrix<T> &A, const Matrix<int> &pivots, bool conjugate = false)
void ApplySymmetricPivots(UpperOrLower uplo, DistMatrix<T> &A, const DistMatrix<int, UPerm, STAR> &pivots, bool conjugate = false)


void ApplyInverseSymmetricPivots(UpperOrLower uplo, Matrix<T> &A, const Matrix<int> &pivots, bool conjugate = false)
void ApplyInverseSymmetricPivots(UpperOrLower uplo, DistMatrix<T> &A, const DistMatrix<int, UPerm, STAR> &pivots, bool conjugate = false)


bool PivotParity(const Matrix<int> &pivots)
bool PivotParity(const DistMatrix<int, UPerm, STAR> &pivots)

Return true if the permutation implied by the pivot sequence is odd. This is determined by determining if an odd number of non-trivial transpositions are performed.

Converting pivot sequences to permutations


void PivotsToPermutation(const Matrix<int> &pivots, Matrix<int> &perm, int offset = 0)
void PivotsToPermutation(const DistMatrix<int, U, STAR> &pivots, DistMatrix<int, UPerm, STAR> &perm, int offset = 0)


void PivotsToInversePermutation(const Matrix<int> &pivots, Matrix<int> &invPerm, int offset = 0)
void PivotsToInversePermutation(const DistMatrix<int, U, STAR> &pivots, DistMatrix<int, UPerm, STAR> &invPerm, int offset = 0)


void PivotsToPartialPermutation(const Matrix<int> &pivots, Matrix<int> &perm, Matrix<int> &invPerm, int offset = 0)
void PivotsToPartialPermutation(const DistMatrix<int, U, STAR> &pivots, DistMatrix<int, UPerm, STAR> &perm, DistMatrix<int, UPerm, STAR> &invPerm, int offset = 0)