
Triangular matrix-matrix multiplication: performs \(C := \alpha A^\# B\), or \(C := \alpha B A^\#\), depending upon whether side was chosen to be LEFT or RIGHT, respectively. Whether \(A\) is treated as lower or upper triangular is determined by uplo, and \(A^\#\) is defined to be one of \(\{A,A^T,A^H\}\) (and diag determines whether \(A\) is treated as unit-diagonal or not).


For the best performance, A and B should both be in [MC,MR] distributions.


void Trmm(LeftOrRight side, UpperOrLower uplo, Orientation orientation, UnitOrNonUnit diag, T alpha, const Matrix<T> &A, Matrix<T> &B)
void Trmm(LeftOrRight side, UpperOrLower uplo, Orientation orientation, UnitOrNonUnit diag, T alpha, const AbstractDistMatrix<T> &A, AbstractDistMatrix<T> &B)


ElError ElTrmm_s(ElLeftOrRight side, ElUpperOrLower uplo, ElOrientation orientation, ElUnitOrNonUnit diag, float alpha, ElConstMatrix_s A, ElMatrix_s B)
ElError ElTrmm_d(ElLeftOrRight side, ElUpperOrLower uplo, ElOrientation orientation, ElUnitOrNonUnit diag, double alpha, ElConstMatrix_d A, ElMatrix_d B)
ElError ElTrmm_c(ElLeftOrRight side, ElUpperOrLower uplo, ElOrientation orientation, ElUnitOrNonUnit diag, complex_float alpha, ElConstMatrix_c A, ElMatrix_c B)
ElError ElTrmm_z(ElLeftOrRight side, ElUpperOrLower uplo, ElOrientation orientation, ElUnitOrNonUnit diag, complex_double alpha, ElConstMatrix_z A, ElMatrix_z B)
ElError ElTrmmDist_s(ElLeftOrRight side, ElUpperOrLower uplo, ElOrientation orientation, ElUnitOrNonUnit diag, float alpha, ElConstDistMatrix_s A, ElDistMatrix_s B)
ElError ElTrmmDist_d(ElLeftOrRight side, ElUpperOrLower uplo, ElOrientation orientation, ElUnitOrNonUnit diag, double alpha, ElConstDistMatrix_d A, ElDistMatrix_d B)
ElError ElTrmmDist_c(ElLeftOrRight side, ElUpperOrLower uplo, ElOrientation orientation, ElUnitOrNonUnit diag, complex_float alpha, ElConstDistMatrix_c A, ElDistMatrix_c B)
ElError ElTrmmDist_z(ElLeftOrRight side, ElUpperOrLower uplo, ElOrientation orientation, ElUnitOrNonUnit diag, complex_double alpha, ElConstDistMatrix_z A, ElDistMatrix_z B)

Python API

Trmm(side, uplo, orient, diag, alpha, A, B)