Uniform Helmholtz Green’s

These routines generate a member of the family of “random Green’s matrices” from A. Goetschy and S. E. Skipetrov’s Non-Hermitian Euclidean random matrix theory. Each such matrix is the restriction of a 3D Helmholtz Green’s function to a subset of points chosen uniformly from the unit ball. The behaviour of the spectrum is known to change dramatically dependening upon the number of points sampled per wavelength.


void UniformHelmholtzGreens(Matrix<Complex<Real>> &A, Int n, Real lambda)
void UniformHelmholtzGreens(AbstractDistMatrix<Complex<Real>> &A, Int n, Real lambda)


ElError ElUniformHelmholtzGreens_c(ElMatrix_c A, ElInt n, float lambda)
ElError ElUniformHelmholtzGreens_z(ElMatrix_z A, ElInt n, double lambda)
ElError ElUniformHelmholtzGreensDist_c(ElDistMatrix_c A, ElInt n, float lambda)
ElError ElUniformHelmholtzGreensDist_z(ElDistMatrix_z A, ElInt n, double lambda)

Python API

UniformHelmholtzGreens(A, n, lamb)