

This is not a standard BLAS routine, but it is BLAS-like.

Sets all entries outside of the specified trapezoidal submatrix to zero. Whether or not the trapezoid is upper or lower (analogous to an upper or lower-triangular matrix) is determined by the uplo parameter, and the last diagonal is defined with the offset integer.


void MakeTrapezoidal(UpperOrLower uplo, Matrix<T> &A, Int offset = 0)
void MakeTrapezoidal(UpperOrLower uplo, AbstractDistMatrix<T> &A, Int offset = 0)
void MakeTrapezoidal(UpperOrLower uplo, SparseMatrix<T> &A, Int offset = 0)
void MakeTrapezoidal(UpperOrLower uplo, DistSparseMatrix<T> &A, Int offset = 0)


ElError ElMakeTrapezoidal_i(ElUpperOrLower uplo, ElMatrix_i A, ElInt offset)
ElError ElMakeTrapezoidal_s(ElUpperOrLower uplo, ElMatrix_s A, ElInt offset)
ElError ElMakeTrapezoidal_d(ElUpperOrLower uplo, ElMatrix_d A, ElInt offset)
ElError ElMakeTrapezoidal_c(ElUpperOrLower uplo, ElMatrix_c A, ElInt offset)
ElError ElMakeTrapezoidal_z(ElUpperOrLower uplo, ElMatrix_z A, ElInt offset)
ElError ElMakeTrapezoidalDist_i(ElUpperOrLower uplo, ElDistMatrix_i A, ElInt offset)
ElError ElMakeTrapezoidalDist_s(ElUpperOrLower uplo, ElDistMatrix_s A, ElInt offset)
ElError ElMakeTrapezoidalDist_d(ElUpperOrLower uplo, ElDistMatrix_d A, ElInt offset)
ElError ElMakeTrapezoidalDist_c(ElUpperOrLower uplo, ElDistMatrix_c A, ElInt offset)
ElError ElMakeTrapezoidalDist_z(ElUpperOrLower uplo, ElDistMatrix_z A, ElInt offset)
ElError ElMakeTrapezoidalSparse_i(ElUpperOrLower uplo, ElSparseMatrix_i A, ElInt offset)
ElError ElMakeTrapezoidalSparse_s(ElUpperOrLower uplo, ElSparseMatrix_s A, ElInt offset)
ElError ElMakeTrapezoidalSparse_d(ElUpperOrLower uplo, ElSparseMatrix_d A, ElInt offset)
ElError ElMakeTrapezoidalSparse_c(ElUpperOrLower uplo, ElSparseMatrix_c A, ElInt offset)
ElError ElMakeTrapezoidalSparse_z(ElUpperOrLower uplo, ElSparseMatrix_z A, ElInt offset)
ElError ElMakeTrapezoidalDistSparse_i(ElUpperOrLower uplo, ElDistSparseMatrix_i A, ElInt offset)
ElError ElMakeTrapezoidalDistSparse_s(ElUpperOrLower uplo, ElDistSparseMatrix_s A, ElInt offset)
ElError ElMakeTrapezoidalDistSparse_d(ElUpperOrLower uplo, ElDistSparseMatrix_d A, ElInt offset)
ElError ElMakeTrapezoidalDistSparse_c(ElUpperOrLower uplo, ElDistSparseMatrix_c A, ElInt offset)
ElError ElMakeTrapezoidalDistSparse_z(ElUpperOrLower uplo, ElDistSparseMatrix_z A, ElInt offset)

Python API

MakeTrapezoidal(uplo, A, offset=0)