Generalized QR factorization

The generalized QR factorization of a pair of matrices \((A,B)\) is analogous to a QR factorization of \(B^{-1} A\) but does not require that \(B\) is square or invertible: unitary matrices \(Q\) and \(Z\), and (right) upper-triangular matrices \(R\) and \(T\), are computed such that

\[A = Q R\]


\[B = Q T Z.\]

Thus, if \(B\) was square and invertible, then the QR factorization of \(B^{-1} A\) would be given by \(Z^H (T^{-1} R)\).

Python API

The style of factorization is encoded within a pseudo-enum which takes on one of four values:


Form the implicit, packed factorization


Explicitly return the individual factors (not yet supported)


Explicitly return the triangular factors, \(R\) and \(T\)


Explicitly return the unitary factors, \(Q\) and \(Z\) (not yet supported)

GQR(A, B[, factType=GQR_IMPLICIT])
  • A

  • B

  • factType – (optional)

Return type

If factType is GQR_IMPLICIT, \((t_A,d_A,t_B,d_b)\), …


void GQR(Matrix<F> &A, Matrix<F> &tA, Matrix<Base<F>> &dA, Matrix<F> &B, Matrix<F> &tB, Matrix<Base<F>> &dB)
void GQR(AbstractDistMatrix<F> &A, AbstractDistMatrix<F> &tA, AbstractDistMatrix<Base<F>> &dA, AbstractDistMatrix<F> &B, AbstractDistMatrix<F> &tB, AbstractDistMatrix<Base<F>> &dB)

Overwrite A with both R and the (scaled) Householder vectors which, along with the scalings tA and sign changes dA, define Q. Likewise, B is overwritten with both T and the (scaled) Householder vectors which define Z.

void gqr::ExplicitTriang(Matrix<F> &A, Matrix<F> &B)
void gqr::ExplicitTriang(AbstractDistMatrix<F> &A, AbstractDistMatrix<F> &B)

Overwrite A with R and B with T.



ElError ElGQR_s(ElMatrix_s A, ElMatrix_s tA, ElMatrix_s dA, ElMatrix_s B, ElMatrix_s tB, ElMatrix_s dB)
ElError ElGQRDist_s(ElDistMatrix_s A, ElDistMatrix_s tA, ElDistMatrix_s dA, ElDistMatrix_s B, ElDistMatrix_s tB, ElDistMatrix_s dB)

Overwrite A with both R and the (scaled) Householder vectors which, along with the scalings tA and sign changes dA, define Q. Likewise, B is overwritten with both T and the (scaled) Householder vectors which define Z.

ElError ElGQRExplicitTriang_s(ElMatrix_s A, ElMatrix_s B)
ElError ElGQRExplicitTriangDist_s(ElDistMatrix_s A, ElDistMatrix_s B)

Overwrite A with R and B with T.


ElError ElGQR_d(ElMatrix_d A, ElMatrix_d tA, ElMatrix_d dA, ElMatrix_d B, ElMatrix_d tB, ElMatrix_d dB)
ElError ElGQRDist_d(ElDistMatrix_d A, ElDistMatrix_d tA, ElDistMatrix_d dA, ElDistMatrix_d B, ElDistMatrix_d tB, ElDistMatrix_d dB)

Overwrite A with both R and the (scaled) Householder vectors which, along with the scalings tA and sign changes dA, define Q. Likewise, B is overwritten with both T and the (scaled) Householder vectors which define Z.

ElError ElGQRExplicitTriang_d(ElMatrix_d A, ElMatrix_d B)
ElError ElGQRExplicitTriangDist_d(ElDistMatrix_d A, ElDistMatrix_d B)

Overwrite A with R and B with T.

Single-precision complex

ElError ElGQR_c(ElMatrix_c A, ElMatrix_c tA, ElMatrix_s dA, ElMatrix_c B, ElMatrix_c tB, ElMatrix_s dB)
ElError ElGQRDist_c(ElDistMatrix_c A, ElDistMatrix_c tA, ElDistMatrix_s dA, ElDistMatrix_c B, ElDistMatrix_c tB, ElDistMatrix_s dB)

Overwrite A with both R and the (scaled) Householder vectors which, along with the scalings tA and sign changes dA, define Q. Likewise, B is overwritten with both T and the (scaled) Householder vectors which define Z.

ElError ElGQRExplicitTriang_c(ElMatrix_c A, ElMatrix_c B)
ElError ElGQRExplicitTriangDist_c(ElDistMatrix_c A, ElDistMatrix_c B)

Overwrite A with R and B with T.

Double-precision complex

ElError ElGQR_z(ElMatrix_z A, ElMatrix_z tA, ElMatrix_d dA, ElMatrix_z B, ElMatrix_z tB, ElMatrix_d dB)
ElError ElGQRDist_z(ElDistMatrix_z A, ElDistMatrix_z tA, ElDistMatrix_d dA, ElDistMatrix_z B, ElDistMatrix_z tB, ElDistMatrix_d dB)

Overwrite A with both R and the (scaled) Householder vectors which, along with the scalings tA and sign changes dA, define Q. Likewise, B is overwritten with both T and the (scaled) Householder vectors which define Z.

ElError ElGQRExplicitTriang_z(ElMatrix_z A, ElMatrix_z B)
ElError ElGQRExplicitTriangDist_z(ElDistMatrix_z A, ElDistMatrix_z B)

Overwrite A with R and B with T