Control structures

Python API



enum PseudospecNorm
enumerator PS_TWO_NORM

Compute \(\{ \xi \in \mathbb{C} : \| (A - \xi I)^{-1} \|_2 > \frac{1}{\epsilon} \}\)

enumerator PS_ONE_NORM

Compute \(\{ \xi \in \mathbb{C} : \| (A - \xi I)^{-1} \|_1 > \frac{1}{\epsilon} \}\)

class SnapshotCtrl
Int realSize
Int imagSize
Int imgSaveFreq
Int numSaveFreq
Int imgDispFreq

Negative if no snapshots should be saved/displayed, zero if only a final snapshot should be saved/displayed, and equal to \(n > 0\) if, in addition to a final snapshot, the partial results should be output roughly overy n iterations (there is no output in the middle of Impliclty Restarted Arnoldi cycles).

Int imgSaveCount
Int numSaveCount
Int imgDispCount
std::string imgBase
std::string numBase
FileFormat imgFormat
FileFormat numFormat

All counters and dimensions are initially zero, all save/display “frequencies” are set to -1 (no output), the basename strings are initialized to “ps”, the image format to PNG, and the numerical format to ASCII_MATLAB.

void ResetCounts()

Resets all counters to zero

void Iterate()

Increments all counters by one

class PseudospecCtrl<Real>
bool forceComplexSchur
bool forceComplexPs
SchurCtrl<Real> schurCtrl
Int maxIts
Real tol
bool deflate
bool arnoldi
Int basisSize
bool reorthog
bool progress
SnapshotCtrl snapCtrl
class PseudospecCtrl<Base<F>>

A particular case where the datatype is the base of the potentially complex type F.


ElInt realSize
ElInt imagSize
ElInt imgSaveFreq
ElInt numSaveFreq
ElInt imgDispFreq

Negative if no snapshots should be saved/displayed, zero if only a final snapshot should be saved/displayed, and equal to \(n > 0\) if, in addition to a final snapshot, the partial results should be output roughly overy n iterations (there is no output in the middle of Impliclty Restarted Arnoldi cycles).

ElInt imgSaveCount
ElInt numSaveCount
ElInt imgDispCount
const char* imgBase
const char* numBase
ElFileFormat imgFormat
ElFileFormat numFormat
ElError ElSnapshotCtrlDefault(ElSnapshotCtrl* ctrl)
ElError ElSnapshotCtrlDestroy(ElSnapshotCtrl* ctrl)
bool forceComplexSchur
bool forceComplexPs
ElSchurCtrl_s schurCtrl
ElInt maxIts
float tol
bool deflate
bool arnoldi
ElInt basisSize
bool reorthog
bool progress
ElSnapshotCtrl snapCtrl
bool forceComplexSchur
bool forceComplexPs
ElSchurCtrl_s schurCtrl
ElInt maxIts
double tol
bool deflate
bool arnoldi
ElInt basisSize
bool reorthog
bool progress
ElSnapshotCtrl snapCtrl
ElError ElPseudospecCtrlDefault_s(ElPseudospecCtrl_s* ctrl)
ElError ElPseudospecCtrlDefault_d(ElPseudospecCtrl_d* ctrl)
ElError ElPseudospecCtrlDestroy_s(ElPseudospecCtrl_s* ctrl)
ElError ElPseudospecCtrlDestroy_d(ElPseudospecCtrl_d* ctrl)