Apply quadratic

Apply a member of the Jordan algebra which generates the Second-Order Cone to another member of the Jordan algebra using the quadratic product,

\[Q_x(y) = \left(2 x x^T - \text{det}(x) R\right) y,\]

where \(\text{det}(x)\) is the determinant of \(x\) in the sense of the eigenvalues from the Jordan frame of the Jordan algebra.



The cutoff parameter only effects parallel performance and is used to decide whether a subcone is sufficiently large to be treated separately.

void soc::ApplyQuadratic(const Matrix<Real> &x, const Matrix<Real> &y, Matrix<Real> &z, const Matrix<Int> &orders, const Matrix<Int> &firstInds)
void soc::ApplyQuadratic(const ElementalMatrix<Real> &x, const ElementalMatrix<Real> &y, ElementalMatrix<Real> &z, const ElementalMatrix<Int> &orders, const ElementalMatrix<Int> &firstInds, Int cutoff = 1000)
void soc::ApplyQuadratic(const DistMultiVec<Real> &x, const DistMultiVec<Real> &y, DistMultiVec<Real> &z, const DistMultiVec<Int> &orders, const DistMultiVec<Int> &firstInds, Int cutoff = 1000)
void soc::ApplyQuadratic(const Matrix<Real> &x, Matrix<Real> &y, const Matrix<Int> &orders, const Matrix<Int> &firstInds)
void soc::ApplyQuadratic(const ElementalMatrix<Real> &x, ElementalMatrix<Real> &y, const ElementalMatrix<Int> &orders, const ElementalMatrix<Int> &firstInds, Int cutoff = 1000)
void soc::ApplyQuadratic(const DistMultiVec<Real> &x, DistMultiVec<Real> &y, const DistMultiVec<Int> &orders, const DistMultiVec<Int> &firstInds, Int cutoff = 1000)



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