06/13/2013: Elemental 0.80¶
Added (nearly-complete) Python support via SWIG
Qt5 support for matrix visualization (Display and Spy)
Switched from QR algorithm to DQDS for computing singular values of bidiagonal matrices
Many more test matrices
A preliminary toolchain file for Stampede
Simplified exception handling via ReportException
Version of Gemv which explicitly zeros the output
Fixed Bugs¶
Fixed major call-stack manipulation problem
Fixed several bugs in test matrices
Fixed syntax errors in ID and SkewHermitianEig
Matrix (and DistMatrix) no longer allocate memory when shrinking a view
Avoiding MPI_{Init,Query}_thread when they are not available
Shortened Grid constructors since grid width was redundant
Simplified typical usage of SetDiagonal/MakeTrapezoidal/ScaleTrapezoid
Defaulting to one thread for PMRRR
Removed NullStreamBuffer since it conflicted with SWIG
The cmake/elemvariables Makefile include is a bit behind and is known to not yet work when Qt5 support is enabled (as well as in various other corner cases). There would be value in laying out precisely what development cycle is expected of Elemental users (e.g., if/how to install with CMake, what the easiest way to compile and link a new executable is). This should probably be in the form of a QuickStart guide, as suggested by Aron Ahmadia.
Michael Grant for spearheading the Python interface
Michael Grant for finding and fixing syntax errors in ID and SkewHermitianEig
Nick Romero for finding and Matthias Petschow for proposing the solution to the PMRRR threading issue
Nick Romero for reporting the MPI_{Init,Query}_thread issue and Jeff Hammond for proposing the solution