11/08/2014: Elemental 0.85¶
The significant changes since release 0.84 are listed below.
Added functionality¶
Sparse-direct Cholesky and Bunch-Kaufman due to merging Clique into Elemental
Sparse-direct least squares, ridge regression, and Tikhonov regularization
Sparse Herk and various other BLAS1-like routines
A (nearly full) manually-constructed C interface
A (nearly full) manually-constructed Python interface, including extensions of Display functionality to matplotlib (for matrices) and networkx (for graphs)
Support for Read, Write, and ReadWrite matrix proxies so that routines implemented for specific datatypes and/or data distributions can be extended to more general datatypes and arbitrary distribution choices
Essentially all distributed routines in the library were generalized to AbstractDistMatrix for convenience (using proxies)
Single-precision Hermitian eigensolvers are now supported (via proxies which convert to double-precision for PMRRR)
Added Three-valued and Bernoulli, GEPPGrowth and Druinsky-Toledo, Fourier-Identity (“spikes and sines”) and Walsh-Identity (“spikes and Hadamard”) matrices
Added ability to compute coherence
Added ability to use operator() to extract contiguous submatrices (and converted library)
Extended control of SVD and LDL via new SVDCtrl and LDLCtrl structures
Improved performance of IO routines when ColStride() and/or RowStride() are 1
Bug fixes¶
Fixed a variety of compilation errors which did not appear with g++
Fixed an (uncommon) bug in distributed HermitianFrobeniusNorm
Added missing shrink of the phase vector in qr::BusingerGolub
Added missing scalar argument to Matrix::UpdateDiagonal
Fixed Ehrenfest matrix generation
Fixed indexing of Householder phases in sequential Bidiag
Fixed offset used by rq::ExplicitTriang
Fixed BlockDistMatrix version of MATRIX_MARKET Read
Fixed BLAS wrappers for complex herk, her2k, her, and her2
Fixed PURE/HYBRID CMake detection (thanks to Richard Boyd)
Fixed Mac vecLib/Accelerate detection
Removed MakeTriangular (due to the more general MakeTrapezoidal)
Replaced AxpyTriangle with AxpyTrapezoid
Added a control structure for Bisect
Significantly refactored/simplified Trr2k
Removed spurious integer argument to TriW
Removed Riemann matrix due to vague definition (and overlap with Redheffer)
Removed hyphens in directory names to avoid python conflict
Name changes¶
Renamed namespace “elem” to “El”, and “elem.hpp” to “El.hpp”
Moved auxiliary PMRRR headers into pmrrr/ subfolder
“Pseudospectra” -> {“SpectralPortrait”,”SpectralWindow”,”SpectralCloud”}
Better organization/naming for explicit QR/RQ/LQ factorizations
Richard Boyd (of GTRI) for reporting the PURE/HYBRID configuration detection problem
Field van Zee (of UT Austin) for clarifying the {c,z}her2 and {c,z}her2k scalar argument conventions
Rodrigo Canales for noticing and fixing several missing static instantiations
Yingzhou (Ryan) Li for reporting the vecLib/Accelerate issue
Relevant unmerged forks¶
Rodrigo Canales’s R interface: https://github.com/rocanale/Elemental
Sayan Ghosh’s one-sided Axpy interface: https://github.com/sg0/Elemental