BLAS-like linear algebra¶
This chapter describes Elemental’s support for basic linear algebra routines, such as matrix-matrix multiplication, triangular solves, and matrix-vector multiplication. Most of these routines have counterparts in the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS).
- Level 1
- Adjoint
- Axpy
- AxpyTrapezoid
- Conjugate
- Copy
- DiagonalScale
- DiagonalScaleTrapezoid
- DiagonalSolve
- Dot
- Dotu
- EntrywiseFill
- EntrywiseMap
- Fill
- Hadamard
- HilbertSchmidt
- IndexDependentFill
- IndexDependentMap
- MakeTrapezoidal
- Max
- MaxAbs
- Min
- MinAbs
- Nrm2
- QuasiDiagonalScale
- QuasiDiagonalSolve
- Scale
- ScaleTrapezoid
- SetDiagonal
- Swap
- Symmetric2x2Scale
- Symmetric2x2Solve
- Transpose
- UpdateDiagonal
- Zero
- Level 2
- Level 3
- Tuning parameters