
Upon successful completion of the factorization, a lower-triangular (with unit diagonal) \(L\) and diagonal matrix \(D\), such that \(A = L D L^H\) or \(A = L D L^T\), will be returned in the lower triangle of \(A\). If a zero pivot is attempted, then a ZeroPivotException will be thrown.

Python API

Elemental’s Python interface to unpivoted dense LDL factorizations can be called as a special case of the pivoted interface, LDL() by specifying pivType to LDL_WITHOUT_PIVOTING.


void LDLT(Matrix<F> &A)
void LDLT(AbstractDistMatrix<F> &A)
void LDLH(Matrix<F> &A)
void LDLH(AbstractDistMatrix<F> &A)


ElError ElLDLT_s(ElMatrix_s A)
ElError ElLDLT_d(ElMatrix_d A)
ElError ElLDLT_c(ElMatrix_c A)
ElError ElLDLT_z(ElMatrix_z A)
ElError ElLDLTDist_s(ElDistMatrix_s A)
ElError ElLDLTDist_d(ElDistMatrix_d A)
ElError ElLDLTDist_c(ElDistMatrix_c A)
ElError ElLDLTDist_z(ElDistMatrix_z A)
ElError ElLDLH_c(ElMatrix_c A)
ElError ElLDLH_z(ElMatrix_z A)
ElError ElLDLHDist_c(ElDistMatrix_c A)
ElError ElLDLHDist_z(ElDistMatrix_z A)